The Morrison Rotary Club honored 2 students of the month for February. Seniors Mae Li and Allison Taylor took a few minutes to talk about their school experiences and share future plans.
Mae Li
Her actual name is Rongxuan Li. Her guardian is George Pelka. Mae came to Morrison 3 years ago. She noted that everyone in Morrison knows everyone so she decided to change that. NO one knew her when she came. During her 3 years at MCH she has participated in track and field and swimming. She said that she was taught swimming when her mom tossed her in the pool and told her to swim. Teaching techniques have advanced through the years. She loves to play tennis, ride bikes, read and go to movies. She noted in China there is more focus on academics so she was excited to be able to participate in sports. She loves to volunteer at the local alpaca farm. Future plans are to attend Sauk Valley College and then move onto a 4 year school with the final goal to be a math teacher.
Allison Taylor
Allison’s parents are Kevin and Michelle Taylor. She has lived in Morrison since about 3rd grade. She loves to attend Emmanuel Church youth activities and she has participated in mission trips. She loves to travel, dance and spend time with friends and family. She is president of the Key Club and is a member of the National Honor Society. She has also been a cheerleader for both football and basketball. Her future plans are to attend Wartburg College in Waverly IA and major in Business Marketing.